Wednesday, August 11, 2010

macramé sculptures

How about trying to make a little extra money with my craft? I have a ton of beads that still need to be made into jewelry and I have a few necklaces/bracelets that can be sold in the meantime. How about we became a sculptor and create interesting artwork using the craft of macramé? While searching for unique macramé knots, I found an artist who does just this, creates sculptures using macramé, she first lays out her design on paper and then sets up an area to construct the piece. These pieces take a month or so to complete, once they have been constructed she paints them with a diluted water color.

Last winter I participated in the Wehrle art market for the second year in a row, the first year I sold a few beads for the boyfriend's mother and a couple of prints. The second time around I was convinced to make a bunch of necklaces and jewelry because everyone loved the designs I wore around campus. I did not end up selling a single one. I did trade one for a hand bag, however the buyers only wanted hand painted scarves this past winter. Needless to say I have plenty of these left:
I think that the jewelry resembles sculpture in a sense I have placed the beads strategically around a symmetrical structure. I need to come up with formulas for each necklace so I can recreate the necklaces. I have been talking to my parents about starting up an etsy shop together, they both have excellent talents that just need to be used for the mass producing force.
I went to Leen O's the other day with a friend and played a couple games of chess, It was a pretty hip place and the hookah was very good. You could get the shisha in fruit though with is a little much for me. Anyway, I found even more macramé art, this time it was hanging on the wall; rather it was helping something else hang on the wall.


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